"Do you understand the words that are coming out of my mouth?"
Hi all you crazy people! I just have to share this little tidbit of my humdrum life. Over the course of this past weekend, I have had the opportunity to visit with my uncle who is in the hospital, and go to a wedding reception on the same day. Talk about diversity! Oh the joy of single fatherhood! Man, do I need a girlfriend to keep me from all this excitement! Just kidding, anyway, whilst visiting my uncle, an old teacher of my brothers stopped by also, and in trying to remember who I was, confused me with my brother. A very common occurrence around here, for some infuriating reason. But in telling her that in fact I was NOT my younger brother, I explained to her that my brother is now retired and living in AZ.. And her response, like EVERY other person I have told was.. " So what is he doing now" What part of RETIRED do you not understand? I have had lengthy conversations with some people, trying to tell them what the definition of retired is. I have gone so far in one instance to say "he does not work" and that person replied, " yea, but what does he do for a living?"
This is the point in my life when I wish I owned a pistol, or at least a pointed stick. How in the world can we rid the world of these ignorant people? Of course if we did, we wouldn't have much to entertain us. Like the news programs, or the democratic party, or Christianity!
Anyway, the wedding reception was fun, it was for a couple of friends of my mothers, who happen to work at the local school where both my brother and I attended, as well as my son. This is where things get fun! The principal of said school was introducing my daughter and I to the new social studies teacher. Where she did a great job! Except in getting any of our names right! She called me by my brothers name, she called my daughter by some other name that only shared two letters, and got my sons name completely wrong. Wow, I knew I didn't like her from the beginning, when she started working at the school as the PE instructor. We once caught her in the office with one of my friends, doing things that nowadays would get her flogged! Now she makes, 95,000 a year! (I'm always in the wrong line of work).
Oh well, I'm done for now, but if you ever meet me just say "Hey, you" don't try to remember my name, I'm obviously not memorable.
A pistol isn't an effective method of getting rid of stupid. You spend a fortune on bullets. The pointed stick, while slower, is more satisfying. Not to mention cheaper. Us retired folk know how important it is to save money wherever we can!
My mind is sufficiently boggled at the thought of anyone confusing us. What, do they think I suddenly grew a foot while at college? I went from years of being the shortest kid to suddenly basketball-worthy? Sheesh.
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