Wednesday, August 17, 2005

AZ baby..

Greetings all! this is my first post, welcome to the 21st century, scooter. I am visiting my brother and his wife in Tuscon. This is our first time out here. I am here with my son, who just had his first airplane flight. We had good luck, on time and such, but on our first flight from Albany to Atlanta, I was suprised to see all the parents just dropping their kids off in the economy section,and them proceeding to first class... I'm not talking about teenage kids mind you, I'm talking about two and three year olds!! So, is anyone in the market for a couple fresh 2and 3 year olds? just kidding, but being a father myself, I couldn't fathom the thought of my 11 and 14 year olds out of my sight in the grocery store, let alone 32,000 feet in the air, in a tin can!! Oh well, hope you all like my new foray into the future of blogging. talk at you soon


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